OAR presents the Thomasian Alumni Charter to alumni associations and groups

By Office of Alumni Relations     10-Dec-2022

The UST Office of Alumni Relations (OAR), in collaboration with UST Alumni Association, Inc. (USTAAI), called for a general assembly of all alumni associations, chapters, and interest-based groups to present the working draft of the Thomasian Alumni Charter on December 10, 2022 at the 4th Floor of the Buenaventura Garcia Paredes, O.P. Building.

OAR Director Asst. Prof. Fredeswindo R. Medina, MACHs introduced the charter to the assembly and shared his vision and motivations in creating this initiative with the cooperation of the USTAAI. The said charter underwent an intensive writeshop and series of revisions before being discussed to its stakeholders.

The Thomasian Alumni Charter is a handbook and guide for the University and USTAAI where roles, relationship, and responsibilities of both parties are defined as they share a common objective of serving the alumni community. It also includes standardized accountability and regulatory procedures concerning the operations of all parties involved such as the formation and recognition of alumni groups, organizing alumni-related activities, and homecoming and reunion celebrations. The project also aims to proactively address future issues that may be encountered along the way.

After the presentation, the presidents and representatives of the alumni groups were given the opportunity to raise questions and voice out their concerns and suggestions during the session.

The points discussed will be taken into consideration in the revision of the charter.

The final manuscript of the Thomasian Alumni Charter is set to be launched next year.


  3F Thomasian Alumni Center Buenaventura
Garcia Paredes, O.P., Building,
University of Santo Tomas, España Blvd.
Sampaloc, Manila 1015

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