The Office of Alumni Relations and the UST Hospital's Shared Commitment to Thomasian Brand of Customer Service Excellence

By Office of Alumni Relations     27-Aug-2024

The Office of Alumni Relations and the University of Santo Tomas Hospital held a Customer Service Training Workshop for the support personnel with the theme "Partnering for Progress: A Shared Commitment to Thomasian Brand of Customer Service Excellence" last  August 27, 2024 (Tuesday) from 8 am to 5 pm at the AVR, St. John Paul II Building, UST Hospital.

The said activity is in line with the objectives of the Office of Alumni Relations and the University of Santo Tomas Hospital in ensuring customer satisfaction by addressing individual needs and going the extra mile to create positive interactions with its stakeholders.

The Mr. Nolo Silayan, the invited HR Trainer and OD Consultant from the Association of Trainers in Tourism and Allied Industries (ATAIN), provided a smarter, global, and modern approach to customer service, especially in dealing with the emergence of the new generations of customers or clientele.

The participants of the training workshop were made to realize how customers' profiles are now evolving, as follows: they are becoming spoiled, choosing, and demanding due to existing competition. Due to a fast-paced lifestyle, customers don't want to be bothered by errors. Due to an increasing cost of living, customers now are more quality-conscious, more assertive, and prefer discounts. Due to technology and media, customers are more knowledgeable, more empowered, and emboldened. Customers, therefore, demand quality, faster, better and cheaper service. Despite these challenges, it is important to provide accurate, complete, timely, and added-value products and services at the UST Hospital and UST OAR.

Through the training workshop, the participants realized that the key attributes of service providers (more than product knowledge) are friendliness, willingness to help, courtesy, loyalty, integrity, and enthusiasm, which are affective or attitudinal. Thus, involving one's affective state, managing emotions, and demonstrating a positive attitude and good behavior of the service providers make the difference.

Building a culture of excellent customer service starts within oneself. It is not the work of an individual, but a work to be consistently provided by all members of the organization. The participants were reminded to be mindful and conscious, to be self-driven and to take the lead in attending to the needs and expectations of customers. These can be done by providing medical and alumni services with warmth, care, and attention. Demonstrating confidence in body language through a smile, open arm position, proper handshakes, eye contact, voice projection, empathy, and personalized interactions are also essential in making the customers feel good, recognized, and important.

"In daily operations, it is undeniable that service providers encounter difficult or irate customers. When faced with an irate customer, we need to have a heart. Humility is the key, thus, it is important to manage emotions by apologizing for making our customers feel bad. No logic is accepted when a person is clouded with emotion," Mr. Silayan said. Customer service is crucial in resolving issues quickly and effectively, ensuring customers feel heard and valued.

Through the training workshop, "We aim to develop a Thomasian brand of customer service excellence. As Thomasians, we are not just employees but ambassadors of the University and the Hospital. Our interactions with our constituents, whether they be students, patients, staff, or external stakeholders, reflect the values and principles that define our institution."

"With the right tools, capability, and attitude, we hope that this activity will empower and transform your interactions with the various stakeholders as you apply appropriate action in solving issues, handling difficult situations and ultimately creating positive customer experiences", said OAR Director Dr. Rocamora.

Members of the support staff of the Office of Alumni Relations and personnel of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital with Mr. Nolo Silayan and Asst. Prof. Joreen T. Rocamora

Director for Administration UST Hospital, Dr. Analin B. Empaynado-Porto, RMT, LPT, Dr.E.M. delivering her welcome message

HR Trainer and OD Consultant from the Association of Trainers in Tourism and Allied Industries (ATAIN) Mr. Nolo Silayan sharing his expertise in the training workshop


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